Core Values

Helping people encounter Jesus and be radically changed by Him.

To become loving believers who passionately reach others for Jesus.

You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: Love your neighbor as yourself.

(Matthew 22:37-39)

The spiritually mature disciple demonstrates an increasing love for God and people by: 

1.    drawing others to Jesus
•    seeks to maintain relationships with unchurched/unbelievers with whom they intentionally
and lovingly relate in order to bring them to Jesus and the church 

2.    participating in community with other Jesus followers
•    is regular in worship attendance
•    participates regularly in a small group

3.    living to serve others
•    serves people in the community
•    serves people in the church
•    serves people in another culture or country

4.    knowing and obeying Scripture
•    is involved in disciplined, on-going study of the Bible
•    can cite a recent change in thoughts, attitudes and behavior as a result of their Bible study 

5.    expressing a life of generosity
•    intentionally looks for opportunities to give time and money to meet the needs of people in
the community
•    give sacrificially and systematically to God’s work at the church
•    gives cheerfully, expecting nothing in return