Jubilee Bible Church

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Sunday, April 5, 2020



As online sermons become the new normal, it's so encouraging to see how many of you are joining us for church on Sunday morning and also inviting other family and friends to join. Please join us tomorrow morning at 10:30am!  Please click at the link below. Pastor Michael is going to share a very relevant message for us from God’s Word! 


Giving is an important part of our worship. Thank you for all of you are faithfully giving during this time. Here are some of the options to give: 

1. Please click on this link to give online. https://jubileebible.breezechms.com/give/online 
2. If you use Quickpay by Zelle through your bank, please send it to finance@jubileebible.org This is a free service that most banks offer.
3. You can mail in the check to 900 Foster Ave, Mediniah, IL 60157

If you are a Jubilee member or attender and you are in financial need during this time, please email us at benevolence@jubileebible.org 

Looking forward to seeing you online! Please post a picture of you watching our service on our facebook page or say hi on the chat! 

 Pastor Sam