Jubilee Bible Church

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March 29, 2020 Faith over Fear

Hello Jubilee!

Looking forward to worshiping together online at 10:30AM tomorrow!

Here are a few options for you to stream the service live:

1. You can click the link below on a computer or smartphone:

Online Service


YouTube-Online Service

Please feel free to share the link on the social media or email or text to anyone you want to invite to watch the service.

2. If you have a smart TV, Apple TV, Roku, please go to the YouTube app and type "Jubilee Bible church" on the youtube search. You should be able to see our live service.

Our financial giving is an important part of our worship, so please consider going to the link below and give your offering/tithe or mail your check to 900 Foster Ave, Medinah IL 60157. Your generosity will also help to keep the church financially stable during this time.

Giving Online